Disk defragmentation

Disk defragmentation describes the process of consolidating fragmented files on your computer's hard disk.
Fragmentation happens to a hard disk over time as you save, change, or delete files. The changes that you save to a file are often stored at a location on the hard disk that's different from the original file. Additional changes are saved to even more locations. Over time, both the file and the hard disk itself become fragmented, and your computer slows down as it has to look in many different places to open a file.
Disk Defragmenter is a tool that rearranges the data on your hard disk and reunites fragmented files so your computer can run more efficiently. In this version of Windows, Disk Defragmenter runs on a schedule so you don't have to remember to run it, although you can still run it manually or change the schedule it uses.

You can access Disk Defragmenter several different ways. One way is to click on the START button, then ALL PROGRAMS, then ACCESSORIES, then SYSTEM TOOLS, and then click on Disk Defragmenter.

You should Now be having The following Screen shot.

Once you open the Defragmenter MMC (Microsoft Management Console) you will see the window shown below. Near the top you should see all of the existing volumes on all of your hard drives. You must select or highlight the drive that you want to defragment if you have more than one. If you only have one,a selection is not necessary.

Near the bottom of the MMC you'll see several buttons. You can click on the "Analyze" button and the defragmenter will scan your hard drive and then tell you if your hard drive needs to be defragmented. Or, you can just click on the defragment button and the process will begin.

Once the process begins the MMC will look similar to the one below. You'll notice different colors in the two windows. Red is for fragmented files, so if you see a lot red you really need to defragment.

Once done you'll be prompted to view a report or just close out the MMC.


Use the Properties of Your Local Disk


  1. Open My Computer.
  2. Right-click the local disk volume that you want to defragment, and then click Properties.
  3. On the Tools tab, click Defragment Now.
  4. Click Defragment.


For Advanced users who prefer Ms-dos you can run disk defragmentation from the command line
  1. Go to start, run
  2. Type "cmd" without quotes and hit enter
  3. Once the command prompt is up type "defrag" command
Here is an example of a defrag command
  • defrag C: /U /V
  • defrag /c /h /v
  • defrag/? for defrag command help.
Note that you must have full Administrator rights to perform disk Defragmentation.

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